Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Roman Reaction Paper

If you look closely, the Romans in a way revolutionized Greek architecture to create a new style of their own. Compared to the Greek structures, their structures had very similar elements involved such as in the columns they built. Even though it is obvious that the Romans used the same columns as the Greek, the Romans went in a new direction and added the arches and domes. One thing we can definitely differentiate from the two eras is that Greek architecture mainly derived from the inspiration of religion and Gods while Roman architecture displayed newfound engineering skills and also, prestige. When I think about the Roman era, back in Junior school when we studied about the Romans in a basic level, I remember thinking about how the Romans had a large number of places to socialize in, such as in bathhouses, etcetera. I was right! You can spot the Roman architectural style mainly in the public dwellings they built, unlike the Greek, who made their structures which the main purpose was for the worship of their Gods, although even in the Roman period, religion still played its part.

I think the Roman era marked the start of a new direction for architecture. From the prehistoric up to the Greek period, we saw patterns of structures being built based on religion whereas in the Roman age, they started considering the public and the growing population even more and more. I guess you can say, the growing population became a problem and the solution to this problem created the new Roman architectural style. I also read somewhere that there was also a shift in materials used by the Romans. They started using a new building material- cast concrete, as it was cheaper and required less work to handle. I conclude by saying, although the origin of ideas did come from the Greek, the Romans created and improved these ideas to create structures that make an impact even on modern architecture today.

Greek Reaction Paper

Today, we can still experience Greek architecture through the remains of the large numbers of temples. Even though Religion was the centre of all Greek architecture, their temples then did not serve the same purpose as churches today, they also stood as storage for “treasury.” Treasury, referring to the offerings made by the Greek people to their statue Gods. Another structure which related to religion included the tholos (also known as the circular temple), for example the Tholos of Theoderus at Delphi.

I noticed that Greek architecture created more and more public dwellings, apart from the basic places of worship and residential areas. The version of ‘theatres’ back then were not only places where people performed but also places where they had public meetings. The Theatre that fascinates me the most is the Epidaurus Theatre. I’m fascinated by its massive size and its ability to pass for a modern structure. It can still be seen today.

As for the materials used, I believe that they used were the same materials used from the previous periods, such as wood, mud brick and clay. Material wise, they did not use anything new. But, they used these materials to create structures that had religious, civic, domestic, funerary, or recreational themes.

Within the Greek style, it is divided into two parts. There was the Doric and Ionic style. I noticed that the Doric had a more formal approach, while the ionic seems more decorative and relaxed. Later, there was a development on the Ionic and it is called the Corinthian style, which is an even more ornate version of the ionic style.

Although the Greek had many architectural ideas, they we’re not able to carry out and deliver them, provided the materials they had back then and the conditions they were under but the Roman’s in the next area, were able to revolutionize the Greek style to create a new style that they would later call their own.

Egyptian Reaction Paper

Before ‘doing my time’ in CSB, I remember switching in between channels over the television and most of the time, finding myself landing on the discovery channel. About 78 percent of the time, they we’re always showing a session on ‘discovering’ pyramids and how all these hosts would wrestle their way going through dark alleyways, reading hieroglyphs carved on walls and how they would be searching for a forbidden tomb with treasure and etcetra. I mean, a tomb is meant to be a burial place for the dead isn’t it? Why all the twists and turns? Why all the extravagance? Why not just a tombstone like everyone else? Why the waste of material and work for the dead? Well, after reading about the Egyptians in depth, questions answered. Nothing was more important to the Egyptians than eternal life. They highly believed in life after death and so, the pharaohs would plan their pyramid before they passed away, including what belongings they would bring along and the slaves that he would need. I read somewhere that this would apparently “make things easier for the pharaoh to travel to the afterlife”. This was supposedly the same reason why their pyramids were shaped in that manner; it helped the pharaoh climb to the heavens, through the sunrays (despite the earlier shape of the early tombs, the Mastabas, where they were made masmataba (;, more rectangular in shape than pyramidal). What fascinates me here is that there is no assurance in life after death, yet they go through with all the hard work just to get their pyramids built. I think the main reason why we are so captivated about pyramids today is because of their originality and the story behind every line and point on a pyramid and why were they designed that way.

As an architecture student, I can learn from Egyptian architecture and apply it to my work today. It ‘shines a light’ on design and purpose and tells me how important it is to consider function behind every design I create. A building should not look a certain way just to make it look ‘pretty’ but because a structure looks that way because of the natural factors that affect the design limitations. One way or another, it also suggests where I should draw a line when it comes to applying art in designing a structure.