Saturday, October 2, 2010

those three architects

My favourites from her works are the bergisel ski jump in Innsbruck, Austria, the contemporary arts center in cincinnati, ohio
& the MAXXI National Museum of Arts located in Flaminio, Italy.

"In modern times, people used to live in cookie-cut
ter houses, drive the same cars and wear similar clothes. But people these days want to have their own personality and uniqueness. The same goes for buildings and houses" -Zaha Hadid

To me, her work portrays the 21st century architecture to the fullest extent. I like the way she interprets modernization in her designs and how she defeats the prototype of men and architecture. Her designs are always something new and different.
I also admire the fact that she
branches her designs into fashion as well. In 2009, she collaborated with Lacoste to create a high end, high fashion pair of boots. Her logo "Zaha Hadid for Lacoste" is displayed on
the sole of the shoe.

To be perfectly honest, being new to architecture, there are only a few architects that i know of. At this stage, I am only able
to recognize architectural structures and not of the architects behind them.

My favourite structure of all
time would have to be the Eiffel tower. Designed by Engineer, Gustave Eiffel. Despite the Eiffel's very criticized beginning, it turned
out to be one of the most visited towers visited today.According to Gustave, the whole design of the Eiffel tower depended mainly on its primary concern, wind resistance.
The metal structure of the Eiffel Tower weighs 7,300 tonnes while the entire structure, including non-metal components, is approximately 10,000 tonnes."

Danish Architect, Jorn Utzon is the architect of another one of the world's most well known structures, the Sydney Opera house located in Australia. Hosting performances every night, it is also one of the world's busiest. When Jorn Utzon created this, he wanted a very expressionist design. The shape of the roof represents shells.The shells are covered in a material so that from a distance, it looks white. I think he made the roof look like shells because with the music and performances coming from the operahouse, it catches the concept of beautiful sounds coming from empty seashells.

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