Friday, April 22, 2011

All pretty looking.

Art Deco

From the name of the style itself, yes, you guessed it; art deco was a decorative style. Although it was not so much as compared to the intricate detailing practiced during the baroque or rococo period, we can still clearly see the play on different types of patterns and motifs on facades during this art deco era.

Noticeably, Art deco was influenced greatly from previous styles; from eras such as the from the Babylonian period, where there was borrowed use of ziggurats, egyptian motifs and emphasis on height. This time though, it was brought to a whole new level of sky-scraping heights and there was also a play on colour. Loud colours such as gold, yellow and terra cotta were applied. What I noticed about the structures that were erected during this era, is that the linearity and geometry overpowered the decorative sweeping and motif patterns on the structures. I guess with the application of somewhat bold colours with a concentration of motif designs or patterns, the height and asymmetry saved the structures from looking tacky.

With the application of symmetry and linearity added with the massive height of the structures emphasized not only a certain glamour and lavishness about these structures but also power – perfect for corporate functions, luxurious residences and for King Kong to climb on.

We can still see so many art deco structures preserved today, why? Its style provides for even todays modern functions. In countries like the states, their art deco structures stands as their most prestigious and well known buildings. In new york, the prestigious empire state building blends in perfectly with the high standard of living of its fellow new yorkians.

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